Enjoying a beautiful sunset Christine was sitting on her stool on the deck at Lamberti’s restaurant above the boat docks. Moving her ring around on her finger it fell off on the deck and over the side it went into the bay. At that point the fun time with friends changed to a panic and a frantic search of the water by her and the staff. Having no success someone mentioned she should call a ring finder which led her to me with a quick google search! I met Christine at the site 2 days later after the sun had gone down and after looking at the area I assured her I could do the job.However due to the amount of mud/silt I didn’t want to get in the water and possibly disturb the silt and have the ring sink further so I chose to work from the dock. The following day I arrived before low tide and prepared my gear and as I went to move a piece of steel that was in the way on the dock I noticed a penny heads up looking right at me exactly where I had to stand to swing my detector,hmm? After a few minutes of searching with my Whites V3i detector and 4×6 coil I got a nice solid 12 vdi signal that I was looking for and then it was in the scoop!!! As I shook the scoop to wash the mud out I could see her ring laying in the bottom. Bingo! I immediately sent her a text picture of it in the scoop and asked if this looked familiar? I could feel the relief and excitement in her response with the following phone call! I mentioned the penny and the date of 1981 and she responded that her grandfather who had metal detected passed away in 1981 had answered her prayers in finding the ring, God Bless! We made arrangements and I had the pleasure of handing her ring back to her and seeing that priceless expression on her face. Another great recovery! Another great day!
