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Writer's pictureThe Ring Finders New Jersey

Cape May, NJ Rose gold & diamond, 2 ring wedding set FOUND!

By: Jeffrey Laag 609-780-4525

Recovery #414 & 415

Received a call from Alina this afternoon while I was on the beach with my family. She explained that she was on the beach with friends celebrating a birthday. At some point during the day she unknowingly lost both of her wedding rings. She was fairly certain that they may be on the volley ball court but couldnt say for sure as she didnt notice they were gone until she was at the waters edge. Packed up the gang and headed over from North Wildwood beach to Decatur St beach in CM. After arriving I started a tight grid search of the court area and after about 20 minutes I managed to find one of the rings, about 10 minutes later I was able to recover the second, much to her relief! Another happy client! 2nd & 3rd rings recovered today!


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