I received an email from a woman who while vacationing in Brigantine Beach,NJ had lost her diamond wedding ring in the surf after being hit by a wave. She had already returned to Maryland and hoped by giving me some information as to where she had lost it I may be able to help? I told her I would do my best and planned to search for the ring the following day at low tide. Arriving at the site I began marking out the area and began to grid the area with my White’s Beach Hunter id 300 metal detector. Even though the loss had taken place almost a week ago I was confident that if it was there I would find it. After a couple hours of hunting and still no ring I began to have second thoughts and eventually had to call it a day. I contacted the owner and told her that I had no success but would try again asap. I returned a few days later and expanded my search area further in one direction and after about 45 minutes I found a beautiful diamond wedding band in my scoop! I couldn’t wait to call her with the great news. Arriving at home and cleaning the sand from the ring I noticed an inscription on the inside the ring (Heartcha). When I contacted the woman I asked what the inscription was on the ring and she stated the same so I knew I had her cherished wedding ring! Persistence paid off! We made arrangements to mail the ring back to her in Maryland and she received it yesterday and was very happy & grateful for my help. Another Success!