Recovery #174
The other day I was contacted by Tina. While she and her husband were enjoying the day at the beach taking in some rays and some fishing. Tina removed her engagement ring to put some lotion on and placed it on her beach chair’s armrest. They had to move back as the tide was coming in but she forgot about her ring and it fell off into the sand. As the tide came in it buried her ring even deeper. She did not realize it until later on that evening. She gave me as many details as she could and Later on that night I went during the next low tide to see if I could find it. After about 2-3hrs of searching my metal detector sounded off with a nice solid tone. After digging a few scoops of sand and moving it a bit with my foot I saw the edge of a ring. As I picked it up I knew right away I had found Tina’s ring! The next day I asked her to give me a call to surprise her. She was overwhelmed with joy! I pretty much went straight to work after finding her ring and was going to meet her after but I wound up working a 12.5hr shift so she came to my work to make it easier for me! Another wonderful ending!
