I received a call from a man who explained that while his fianc’e was swimming in the rough ocean surf the day before she had gotten knocked down by a wave and her white gold diamond engagement ring had come off in the ocean. The family had just begun their weeks long vacation and on the first day this happened leaving her in tears and extremely upset fearing that the ring which was custom made from a family heirloom ring while he was in the military over seas was lost forever! I informed him that I would do my best to recover the ring from the surf but since the ocean was so rough at the time of the loss it would be tough. Arriving athe beach house the next morning I met the family and the very upset Caitlen and we went down to the beach and marked off the area where she had been swimming. The tide was going out at this time and the bottom had some ripples and troughs cut into it where the ring might have gotten captured in so things were looking ok. I began working from the high tide water line into the wet sand with only a few scrap pieces of dune fence and coins but no ring. Following the water out and searching those ripples and troughs I dug some more trash targets and I began to fear that the ring may not be found as 3 hrs had now passed with no ring. As I searched Caitlen’s father had asked me if I would like a water or beer to drink which I declined informing him that I just wanted to concentrate at this time on the remaining search area as the tide was almost all the way out and would be coming in soon. I found an area where I dug quite a bit of targets and hoped the ring was here with the rest of the metal items and after 15 minutes of digging trash items I scooped up the next target and there was the ring in the scoop!! The family was all sitting on their beach chairs and I hadn’t told them I had found it yet and as I approached them I asked her father if I could get that water? I paused for a second and asked how a bout that beer instead? At this point I addressed Caitlen as to ask her for more information about the area was swimming in and instead held out my scoop with the ring in it and asked her if this yours? If you could have seen the look on her face! She put her hands on her face,her eyes teared up and she couldn’t talk. Her family was just cheering with amazement and thankfulness as I handed her the ring. What an awesome feeling it was to be able to give her the relief from the heart ache she had been suffering from for the past 24 hrs and a sleepless night. Yes I did get to enjoy a couple cold beers with her very nice and thankful family an they could now enjoy the rest of their vacation. Congradalations Caitlen and the Best of luck to you and Mike! Another Great Day!
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