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Writer's pictureThe Ring Finders New Jersey


I received an email requesting my metal detecting services to locate a lost engagement ring on the beach in Wildwood,NJ.It had been been lost 2 days before by Amanda the bride to be while she was laying on the beach and applying sunscreen in the high tide line area where the dry sand meets the wet While applying the sunscreen she had taken the ring off and put it on her towel however just at that moment a wave had come up high and startled her. She quickly grabbed her towel but the ring went flying into the sand somewhere and could not be found. Frantically she searched but had no luck and reluctantly went home only to tell her fiancé the bad news. Reaching out for help they were given my information in hopes that get the ring back for them. I arrived on the beach in the area that was described over the phone and began my grid pattern with my White’s beach Hunter Id 300 and after 3 hours and many targets latter I still did not find the ring and was forced to call it a night. Speaking with Amanda she assured me I was in the right area so I decided to go back after work the next day and expand the search area. After 2 hours of searching I finally was able to locate it higher up in the dry sand,I guess when she grabbed the towel so quick the ring had flung off and traveled a good distance. I immediately made the call they were so anxiously waiting for and informed Amanda that I had indeed found her ring who just couldn’t believe it! I could hear and sense the happiness and relief over the phone and we agreed to meet the following day for the return. Upon meeting Amanda & Kyle they informed me that they are getting married in a couple of weeks( September 7th ) and Kyle explained that the ring was custom made by a neighbor out of 2 rings that were handed down through his family with a 1 carat solitaire diamond. So there was so much sentimental meaning to the ring itself already. They were extremely happy and amazed to have the ring back not only at all but also in time for their wedding next week. I would like to Thank White’s Electronics once again for making this great recovery and many other ring returns I have made possible with their professional metal detectors. Congratulations Amanda & Kyle!!!!!


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