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  • Writer's pictureThe Ring Finders New Jersey


Updated: Aug 2, 2023

Recovery# 408 Matt St.Germain 732-581-0285

I was contacted by Mike about his lost wedding ring in Long Branch NJ.

While him and his wife Sandy were enjoying the day at the beach while the kids were in day camp, Mike and Sandy were taking a walk close to the water and Mike bent down and starting digging up handfuls of pebbles and realized at some point his wedding ring had come off into the pebbles and sand in the water. He searched for it for about 30mins and was unable to locate it. He found me doing a google search and once speaking to him, I grabbed my gear and headed straight out there. The problem is the tide was already coming back in and has a history of being a dangerous beach but I was determined to give it a try only because the lifeguards were still on duty. I met him and Sandy and he showed me the area he was. The surf was already very rough with 4ft+ waves crashing the shore. I got into the water but I was being pushed around and at some point was knocked over twice. I decided it was too dangerous and got out of the water. As I did the lifeguards were calling everyone out of the water and to get off the beach because now there was a thunderstorm coming in with lightning. I assured Mike I would return that night during low tide to try again. When I did return so did the storm clouds. I was forced yet again to abort the search until the next day.

The next day when I arrived there was more storm clouds coming through. I waited it out until they passed then headed out to the beach. After about 2hrs in the water working my way inward I finally got a nice strong signal. After digging for a bit I had Mike's ring in my scoop!

I sent Mike a photo and he immediately called me. He and Sandy were very surprised that I was able to find it and very happy as well. Another Happy Ending!

Check out the video to see it all unfold and the conditions I was dealing with!


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