After doing a Google search on lost jewelry on beach Gloria found me on RingFinders and gave me texted me asking for help in locating a lost ring at Manasquan Beach. Told her to meet me there and I’d be there in about 20 minutes. Arriving at the beach Gloria and her husband Michael were waiting for me. They showed me were they were sitting that day. It seems being hot and sunny that day, Michael went to put on sun lotion and in doing so his ring ended up slipping off and disappeared into the sand. They looked for it but just couldn’t find it. This all happened just a few weeks before their anniversary. After doing 4 passes in the area I got the signal I was hoping for and sure enough their was Michael’s ring in my scoop. They were so happy to get it back, and they can have their anniversary with his ring back on his hand where it belongs. The ring hasn’t left his finger since she put it on his finger their wedding day, he showed the the indention on his finger. Another happy ending to a great recovery.
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The Ring Finders New Jersey
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