Got a call from fellow RingFinder Matty St Germain asking if I could go to Manasquan for a lost wedding band seeing he couldn’t. I called James and while at the beach he was in the water with his son throwing a football. While tossing the football, his ring flew off with it into the surf. I met him and he showed me the area he was in and I started hunting. Turns out I started out in to deep of water at first and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t find it. I had the area he was in. After awhile I thought about the tide change and him telling Matty he was only about 10 to 15 feet from shore. Being low tide when I starting the hunt I moved closer to the shore line and sure enough I found his ring. He was grateful I found it, he mentioned his wife wasn’t to happy about it. Glad I could save the day and know his wife will be happy again. Another happy ending.
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